A computer screen showing code.

Our Research Transforms the Musical Experience

Our Research Transforms the Musical Experience

Research at the Center for Music Technology focuses on creating innovative musical technologies that can transform the way we create, experience, and learn music. Areas of interest include education, robotic musicianship, machine learning, digital signal processing, musical informatics, new interfaces for musical expression, sonification, acoustics, music cognition, mobile music, interactive music, and networked music, among others.

Research in the Center is conducted under four main research groups: Music Informatics, Robotic Musicianship, Computational Music for All, and Computational and Cognitive Musicology.

Explore What We Do

Robotic musicians performing with humans.

Robotic Musicianship

We facilitate meaningful musical interactions between humans and machines, leading to novel musical experiences and outcomes.
Three people gather at a whiteboard.

Music Informatics

We design the next generation of intelligent music software, creating new ways to produce, access, and enjoy music.
A man and a woman at a computer.

Computational Music for All

We seek to engage a broad and diverse public in creative and collaborative music-making.
An example of computational and cognitive musicology.

Computational and Cognitive Musicology

We aim to build user-friendly technologies to assist scholars, educators, and music lovers.


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