Arthur, C., Lehman, F., & McNamara, J. (In Press). Presenting the SWTC: A Symbolic Corpus of Themes from John Williams’ Star Wars Episodes I-IX. Empirical Musicology Review
Clark, B., & Arthur, C. (In Press). Is melody “dead”?: A large scale analysis of pop music melodies from 1960 through 2019. Empirical Musicology Review.
Condit-Schultz, N., & Clark, B. (In press). Have we sold our souls to the drum machine? A historical analysis of tempo stability in Western music recordings. Musicae Scientiae
Alben, N. & Arthur C. (2023). Pupil Dilation as a Function of Pitch Discrimination Difficulty: A Replication of Kahneman and Beatty, 1967. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. DOI:
Arthur, C. & Condit-Schultz, N. (2023). The coordinated corpus of popular musics (CoCoPops): A meta-corpus of melodic and harmonic transcriptions. In Proceedings of the International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) conference. Milan, Italy.
Arthur, C., Evans, M., McNamara, J., & Davidenko, N. (2023). Looping in your head: A Corpus of Sung Earworm Fragments. In Proceedings of the Biannual conference for the International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). Tokyo, Japan
Arthur, C. (2023). Why do songs get “stuck in our heads”? Towards a theory for explaining earworms. Music & Science, 6, 1-15. DOI:
Jain, R. & Arthur, C. (2023). An Algorithmic Approach to Automated Symbolic Transcription of Hindustani Vocals. In Proceedings of the 10th International Digital Libraries for Musicology conference (DLfM 2023). Milan, Italy.
McNamara, J. & Arthur, C. (2023). Plugging In: Understanding Player Perceptions of Immersion and Flow in Video Games. In Proceedings of the Biannual conference for the International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). Tokyo, Japan